/Gaming/Playstation/Vita/ Last Updated: Thu, Jan 29th, 2015 @ 3:51pm EST

Joystiq Vita

Earnest Cavalli

Visit exotic locations and grind on them in OlliOlli 2

The debut trailer for OlliOlli 2: Welcome To Olliwood (sequel to the addictive skateboarding platformer OlliOlli) promises "bigger tricks, epic new locations" and a "silky new style and flow," alongside locations ranging from Aztec temples to carnivals populated by zombies.

[Image: Roll7]

Continue reading Visit exotic locations and grind on them in OlliOlli 2

Visit exotic locations and grind on them in OlliOlli 2 originally appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 15:00:00 EST. Please...

Joystiq Vita

Earnest Cavalli

Sony pulls support for Vita's Maps, YouTube apps

In a brief Twitter message, Sony has announced that official support for the Maps and YouTube apps found on the Vita handheld will soon come to an end.

The message offers links to support pages for both apps which reveal exactly when the software will cease to function. While all features of the Maps app (and unspecified features of the Near app) will go dark as part of an update planned to launch in March, the YouTube app will be gone by April 20. Today marks the final day the Vita's...

Joystiq Vita

Sinan Kubba

PSN Store Update: Stop It Don't Open That Door Edition

This week's headline new release on PSN is definitely Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, the $20 standalone follow-up to Saints Row 4. PS3 and PS4 owners can both get their Gat on, but the latter group can also get it in a $50 bundle with SR4: Re-elected. The visually enhanced, DLC-stuffed PS4 version of Saints Row 4 is also available on its own for $30.

This week's other big deal is also a remaster, but of a much, much less recent game. The PS4 and PS3 edition of the first Resident Evil brings...

Joystiq Vita

Sinan Kubba

PSN members get one-use 10% discount code this weekend

Sony's goodwill discount is up for the taking this weekend, allowing users to save 10 percent off a one-time total cart purchase in the PlayStation Store. The offer is part of Sony's show of appreciation for PSN members' patience following the network issues over the holidays.

The rules are that the purchase must be made between 9AM PT/12PM ET on January 23 and the same time on January 26. To reiterate, it's 10 percent off a total cart purchase rather than a single item, so if you're in the...

Joystiq Vita

Sinan Kubba

GTA 5 continues to hold off FIFA & CoD in this week's UK charts

And now for something completely similar: Right now you'd need a microscope to find the week-to-week changes in the UK charts. Nonetheless, it's interesting to see Grand Theft Auto 5 stay ahead of traditional front-runners FIFA and Call of Duty, especially since Rockstar's game is a re-release on current-gen. At this new release-less time of year, we'd normally be talking about a 28th consecutive No. 1 for FIFA [Insert Year Here].

The current top three are the same trio that sold the most...

Joystiq Vita

Thomas Schulenberg

Toukiden: Kiwami battles fresh Oni on PS4, Vita in March

PlayStation 4 and Vita owners, we're trusting you to rid us all of the creepy beasts lurking in Toukiden: Kiwami once Koei Tecmo releases physical and digital copies on March 31 in North America and March 27 in Europe. What is that twisted take on felines seen above? Other than unsettling, we mean.

As detailed on the PlayStation Blog, Kiwami will have "double the size and content" of last year's Toukiden: The Age of Demons (which is included with Kiwami), with additions including "newly...

Joystiq Vita

Xav de Matos

Grim Fandango Remastered orders open on GOG, PSN

Few games featuring death make us chuckle, but Grim Fandango is on the short list (right next to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for that "What is a man?" line read). On January 27, we all get to have another morbid laugh when Grim Fandango Remastered debuts on PS4, Vita and PC, Mac and Linux.

Today, you can pre-order Grim Fandango Remastered on PC at GOG.com for $14.99 and gain a bonus desktop wallpaper. PlayStation pre-orders are also now available and include a bonus dynamic PS4/Vita...

Joystiq Vita

S. Prell

PlayStation players proclaim their picks for games of the year

So you didn't agree with our picks for the top 10 games of 2014. You didn't like our Best of the Rest selections either. That's okay! Different strokes for different folks and all that. If you're a PlayStation user, perhaps you'll find more like-minded individuals among fellow owners of Sony consoles.

The PlayStation Blog has posted the results of its game of the year survey, which raked in a solid 400,000+ votes. And the winners are:

Best PlayStation 4 Game: Destiny Best PlayStation 3...

Joystiq Vita

Sinan Kubba

Transistor get() 600,000+ sales, Bastion breach() 3 million

Transistor carved its way to more than 600,000 sales in 2014, Supergiant Games revealed this week. The PS4 and PC action-RPG looks set to become the dev's second million-seller, though it's still way off the "more than 3 million" copies sold to date by Bastion.

In this week's announcement, Supergiant's Greg Kasavin noted the majority of Bastion's sales arrived "many months after the game first came out on Xbox 360 and PC. So we were very happy to see Transistor selling even faster relative...

Joystiq Vita

Alexander Sliwinski

PlayStation TV price cut at major US retailers

The PlayStation TV's price tag has been reduced to Black Friday levels by several major US retailers, including Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy and Gamestop. Gamespot took note of the unofficial reduction, which sees the core PS TV unit reduced to $80 ($20 off) and the controller-included bundle at $100 ($40 off).

Sony's official site still has the device regularly priced. Positioned as PS Vita system alternative that plugs into any HDMI-equipped television, the system does feature some...

Joystiq Vita

Sinan Kubba

Sony delays PS4 in China

Sony put the brakes on the PlayStation 4's date with China, after delaying sales of the system just days ahead of its scheduled January 11 launch. In a statement provided to Reuters, the company said it was holding the PS4 back due to "various factors," and that a new date was yet to be decided. Additionally, Sony Computer Entertainment spokeswoman Kaede Bun told Bloomberg, "The [Chinese] government asked us for final adjustments, which will take some time, so we decided to delay the launch...

Joystiq Vita

Earnest Cavalli

Joe Danger 2: The Movie starts filming on Vita next week

Come January 13 - more than two years after it debuted on Xbox Live - Hello Games' stunt man-focused action-platformer Joe Danger 2: The Movie will appear on Sony's Vita handheld.

As we mentioned last April, the leap to the Vita brings a few new faces to Joe Danger's vibrant world including Tearaway protagonists Iota and Atoi and LittleBigPlanet mascot Sackboy. These characters join existing cameos from earlier versions of Joe Danger 2 featuring the whimsically murderous Team Fortress 2...

Joystiq Vita

Jessica Conditt

Best of the Rest: Jessica's picks of 2014

ATTENTION: The year 2014 has concluded its temporal self-destruct sequence. If you are among the escapees, please join us in salvaging and preserving the best games from the irradiated chrono-debris.


Threes is ingenious. Its simplistic presentation belies beautiful, thoughtful design and butter-smooth mechanics. Threes isn't a matter of "less is more," it's fully encapsulated and pushed to the limits of what it intends to do, providing hours upon hours of repeated gameplay on that...

Joystiq Vita

Danny Cowan

PSA: Players report sporadic PSN connection issues

Sony is currently investigating PlayStation Network connection issues affecting a number of users this morning, citing "heavy network traffic" as a culprit via its support page.

"We're aware that some players are seeing drops on PSN," the official PlayStation Twitter account confirms. "Engineers are on the case and investigating."

Today's reports follow up on the recent restoration of PSN service after a disruptive DDoS attack on Christmas Eve. A timeframe for a fix is not yet known.


Joystiq Vita

Xav de Matos

PSN Update: Infamous First Light, Duke Nukem 3D

A new month means a new handful of games added to the libraries of PlayStation Plus subscribers. Beginning today, Plus members on PS4 can add the Second Son narrative expansion Infamous: First Light and indie darling The Swapper to their digital collection.

Also as reported, Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition is available for Plus users at no additional charge on the Vita, along with Whoa Dave! - from (rebranded) Bit.Trip dev Choice Provisions. DuckTales Remastered and Prototype 2 are this...

Joystiq Vita

Richard Mitchell

Clock Tower successor 'Project Scissors' becomes NightCry, gets live action teaser

The spiritual successor to the Clock Tower survival horror series, Project Scissors, has a new name and a new live action teaser. The game is now called NightCry, and the trailer is definitely creepy, if a little light on information. One thing that Clock Tower fans will be sure to notice, however, is the presence of big, bloody scissors. Or, to put it more accurately, big scissors that appear to be made of blood.

The teaser is directed by Takashi Shimizu, director of the Ju-On horror film...

Joystiq Vita

Anthony John Agnello

Joystiq Discussion: How do you tackle your gaming back log?

January is when the sheer scale of it hits you, when you stare into the inky abyss of your Steam library and wonder: when the hell am I going to play all of these games? Every time the sale starts, the back log grows. Five measly bucks for a copy of Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition! Who cares that I'm smack dab in the middle of three different RPGs? I can't let that pass me by! So the backlog swells, piling more and more games onto the proverbial, sometimes actual, stack.

Recently I took...

Joystiq Vita

Joystiq Staff

Joystiq's favorite new characters of 2014

It takes all sorts to make up the video game worlds we explore, and sometimes a few characters stand out as our favorites. From the buffoonery of Ratbag to the big splash made by the Troupple King, this year featured a host of unique new faces.

As we close out another year of gaming, we look back at some of our favorites. Of course we couldn't highlight them all, so we ask: What are your favorite characters of 2014?

>>Joystiq's Favorite New Characters of 2014<<

Joystiq's favorite new...

Joystiq Vita

S. Prell

Claire goes back to work in Resident Evil Revelations 2 opening

It's hard to imagine why Claire Redfield of Capcom's Resident Evil universe would put anything other than "I saved you from becoming zombie food" on her resume, but we suppose that's a pretty good attribute when you work for a human rights organization that unravels the schemes of/cleans up the damage made by terrorists using bio-weapons. Unfortunately, being such a high-profile figure also makes you a target, as evidenced by the opening scene of Resident Evil Revelations 2, which you can...

Joystiq Vita

Danny Cowan

Touhou Project games coming to PlayStation 4, PS Vita

The Touhou Project will make its console and portable debut in Japan starting next year with the launch of a series of officially licensed, fan-made games for the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, series creator ZUN revealed this week (via Siliconera).

Named as the "most prolific fan-made shooter series" by Guinness World Records, the Touhou Project is a long-running, single-developer franchise helmed by its pseudonymous creator ZUN. Initially a hobbyist project, Touhou evolved to encompass a...

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