/Top Stories/ Last Updated: Sat, Jul 27th, 2024 @ 6:51am EDT

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Eric Kim

The Secret to Great Korean BBQ Is Not What You Think

There’s no magic ingredient. You just need the right preparation.

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David McCabe and Sapna Maheshwari

Justice Dept. Defends TikTok Law That Forces App’s Sale or Ban

In its first detailed response to a legal challenge, the agency said TikTok’s proposed changes wouldn’t prevent China from using it to collect U.S. users’ data or spread propaganda.

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Michael Corkery and Jill Cowan

Clear Encampments? Mind Your Own Business, Los Angeles Says.

In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s declaration urging cities to clear homeless camps met its strongest opposition in Los Angeles.

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Somini Sengupta

Can Fees on Polluting Cars Clean the Air? London Has New Evidence.

The city’s expanded low-emissions zone, which was politically fraught, has cut emissions that contribute to health problems like asthma, new numbers show.

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Diane Harris

The Top 3 Mistakes To Avoid With Your 401(k)

Here is what experts say are the costliest stumbles people make with their retirement savings accounts — and how to get back on course.

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Ronda Kaysen

Are You Planning to Leave the U.S. if the Election Doesn’t Go Your Way? We’d Like to Hear From You.

As the 2024 election season heats up, some Americans are considering leaving the country. We want to hear about their plans and perspective.

NYT > Home Page

Melissa Kirsch

The Olympics Have Arrived

The Games present untold opportunities to geek out on sports you haven’t thought about for several years, or ever.

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Peter Coy

Kamala Harris Needs a 3 P.M. Agenda

To steer the economy well, a president must see beyond what keeps voters up at night.

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Madeleine Orr

The Olympics Need to Change as the Climate Changes

Organizers must reduce the event’s carbon footprint.

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Michelle Goldberg

JD Vance’s Unnerving Changeability

He has a history of remaking himself to suit the men in his life.

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The Editorial Board

America Has Questions for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

Voters need a chance to see how the two candidates handle close public scrutiny in debates, interviews and informal events.

NYT > Home Page

John Leland

You See Rubble and Garbage. She Sees New York’s Next Great Park.

Rosa Chang devoted herself to repurposing nine ugly acres under the Brooklyn Bridge. Amazingly, nobody has said no yet.

NYT > Home Page

Kate Conger

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Elon?

Linda Yaccarino, the C.E.O. of X, has worked hard to bring back advertisers and fix the platform’s business. But its owner, Elon Musk, is always one whim away from undoing her work.

NYT > Home Page

Adam Goldman

Bullet or Fragment of One Struck Trump’s Ear, F.B.I. Says

The explanation was the most definitive to date after the bureau’s director had earlier suggested the former president might have been hit by shrapnel, igniting a political storm.

NYT > Home Page

Monika Pronczuk and Ada Petriczko

‘No One to Talk To’: The Lingering Trauma of Russian Rape in Ukraine

Prosecutors in Ukraine are pursuing cases of sexual assault by Russian soldiers, but survivors say more financial and psychological support is needed.

NYT > Home Page

Ian Austen

Town Famous for Royal and Hollywood Guests Is Ravaged by Wildfires

Fast-moving fires have destroyed a third of the buildings in the picturesque town of Jasper, Alberta, and its national park. But the mayor hopes to rebuild.

NYT > Home Page

Alan Blinder and John Yoon

Firefighters Race to Contain Wildfires in California and Oregon

In California, the Park fire has charred more than 307,000 acres, becoming the country’s largest this year. The Durkee fire in Oregon has covered at least 288,000 acres.

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Emily Bazelon

The Right-Wing Dream of ‘Self-Deportation’

Some conservatives have a grim proposal to make undocumented immigrants leave: Exclude their children from schools.

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Steven Erlanger and Sergey Ponomarev

Away From the War in Gaza, Another Palestinian Economy Is Wrecked

With the closure of checkpoints, Israeli Arabs cannot come to Jenin and Tulkarm to shop, and West Bank Palestinians cannot leave to work in Israel, cutting incomes and building militancy.

NYT > Home Page

Jenny Vrentas

Léon Marchand: The French Swimmer Who Is Carrying His Country on His Back

Léon Marchand, who has the potential to win medals in four individual events, bears much of the weight of France’s expectations. He is ready, he says, but adds, “it does feel weird.”

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